
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:外文翻译 更新时间:2013-07-02
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外文出处:Macdonald, Elizabeth J...Exemption clauses and unfair terms [M]. London: Butterworths,2010.

It is commonplace for a party drawing up a contract to seek to minimise the amount of liability that may be incurred in the performance of that contract. Contractual clauses that have this effect are usually called `exclusion clauses' or `limitation clauses'. There is a whole academic debate about the doctrinal significance of these clauses in the law of contract. This debate centres on whether they are `defensive' or `obligation defining' in nature. This is of little practical significance, because the courts and, more recently, the legislature have come down in favour of the `defensive' interpretation. Arguably, this `defensive' view is more prevalent in the UK than the European Community (EC), and this may account for some of the problems that are described in this article. Exclusion clauses often attempt to exclude or limit liability for losses arising out………………


上传会员 外文翻译 对本文的描述:通常会争取尽量减少在履行合同过程中可能发生的赔偿责任。具有这种效力的合同条款通常被称为“免责条款”或者“责任限制条款”。学术界对于合同法中此类条款的学理意义一直存......
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