
资料分类:法学翻译 上传会员:勤劳小蜜蜂 更新时间:2013-12-24
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译文(字数 5795):

归纳起来无外乎下列四种:一是指导行政法制定、执行、遵守以及解决行政争议的基本准则,是整个行政法的理论基础,是贯穿于整个行政法的主导思想和核心观念;二是贯穿行政法之中,指导行政法的制定和实施等活动的基本准则,它是人们对行政法规范的精神实质的概括,反映着行政法的价值和目的所在;三是贯穿行政法律规范之中,指导行政权的获得、行使及对其监督的基本准则,也是揭示行政法基本特征并将其与其他部门法区别开来的主要标志;四是只贯穿于行政法始终,指导行政法的制定和实施的基本准则或原理,是行政法精神实质的体现,是行政法律规范或规则存在的基础。这四种不同的定义体现了学者们对行政法基本原则认识的逐步深化,也体现了其所依据的行政法基础理论的发展。同时,上述四种行政法基本原则的概念都包含了相同的含义,即对行政法制定、实施等全部活动具有指导作用。在行政法基本原则的功能中,其“指导”作用才是最根本的,才是行政法基本原则的核心价值所在,也是行政法基本借以建立和展开的基础。 基于此,笔者认为我国行政法的基本原则应为:合法性原则、民主性原则、及时救济原则和统一原则。 ………………


外文原文(字符数 21538):

外文出处:Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, USA

First, the guidance of administrative development, implementation, compliance with the settlement of administrative disputes, as well as the basic criterion is the theoretical basis of the administrative law is the law throughout the the main idea and key concepts; second is through the administrative law, and guide the formulation and implementation of administrative activities such as the basic criteria, it is of the essence of administrative law norms in general, administrative law reflects the values and purpose; Third, through the administrative laws and regulations, and guidance to the executive the right to acquire, exercise and the basic norms of their supervision, but also reveals the basic characteristics of administrative law and law with other departments to distinguish between the main signs; Fourth, only through the Chief Law has always been to guide the formulation and implementation of administrative law's basic guidelines or principles………………


上传会员 勤劳小蜜蜂 对本文的描述:行政法外文翻译.doc 外文出处:Journal of US-China Public Administration, ISSN 1548-6591, USA......
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