英汉翻译《无尽的夏天 邻家男孩们》 第1-3章.doc

资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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Chapter One

Sean smiled down at me, his light brown hair glinting golden in the sunlight. He

shouted over the noise of the boat motor and the wind, “Lori, when we’re old

enough, I want you to be my girlfriend.” He didn’t even care the other boys could hear him.

“I’m there!” I exclaimed, because I was nothing if not coy. All the boys ate out of my hand, I tell you. “When will we be old enough?”

His blue eyes, lighter than the bright blue sky behind him,seemed to glow in his tanned face. He answered me, smiling. At least, I thought he answered me. His lips moved.

“I didn’t hear you. What’d you say?” I know how to draw out a romantic moment.

He spoke to me again. I still couldn’t hear him, though the boat motor and the wind hadn’t gotten any louder. Maybe he was just mouthing words, pretending to say something sweet I couldn’t catch. Boys were like that. He’d just been teasing me all along—

“You ass!” I sat straight up in my sweat- soaked bed, wiping away the strands of my hair stuck to my wet face. Then I realized what I’d said out loud. “Sorry, Mom,” I told her photo on my bedside table. But maybe she hadn’t heard me over my alarm clock blaring Christina Aguilera, “Ain’t No Other Man.”

Or maybe she’d understand. I’d just had a closer encounterwith Sean! Even if it was only in my dreams.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:Sean smiled down at me, his light brown hair glinting golden in the sunlight. Heshouted over the noise of the boat motor and the wind, “Lori, when we’re oldenough, I want you to be my girlfriend.” He didn’t even care the other bo......
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