
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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本翻译实践节选自印度爱情小说《半个女友》。这本书的作者Chetan Bhagat,既是国际银行专业投资人,又是一名把矛头直指年青一代和国家发展的基本问题的优秀作家。当世界文学界将目光聚焦在印度传统文化时,他却将印度现代青年人的社会形象展现在了世人面前。因此,他的作品在印度十分畅销,尤其受到年轻大学生的喜爱。





Half Girlfriend is a love novel written by Chetan Bhagat, who is both a professional investor in international banking and a good writer who points out the basic issues of the young generation and the country. His works are very popular in India and are especially loved by young college students because they show readers the social image of modern young Indians.

which mainly describes the male protagonist Madhav's first visit to the metropolis from the Indian countryside, to take part in the college interview. In the interview process, Madhav encounters a lot of difficulties because of his poor English. Still, the interviewers are impressed with his excellent sports performance and unique insights into rural poverty in India. Madhav requests a chance to show his expertise in basketball. When he waits in the basketball court, he encounters the female protagonist Riya, and falls in love with her at first sight. Afterwards, Madhavt is admitted by the college and reunites with Riya in the new school. The two have a good impression of each other during the contact.

The essay introduces the main content of the novel, the problems encountered in the translation process, as well as the corresponding solutions. It also summarizes the experience and enlightenment obtained in the process of translation.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:Most students ignored me. Many sniggered. I wondered why. Well, now I know. My accent. Back in 2004, my English was Bihari. I don’t want to talk now like I did back then. It’s embarrassing. It wasn’t English. It was 90 per cent Bihari ......
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