
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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Word Play and the Symphony of a Word


Das Aussprechen eines Wortes ist gleichsam ein Anschlagen einer Taste auf dem Vorstellungsklavier.


Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination.


—Ludwig Wittgenstein


Boy, those French! They have a different word for everything.

—Steve Martin


On the surface, words are simple. We point to a fuzzy animal and name it. Dog. And so a word begins.


But this is just a fragment of the story. In the last chapter, we learned how to hear a language’s sounds, but we haven’t yet learned to hear its music. And we need to, because we’re aiming for fluency. We want to speak our minds without thinking about grammar or translations, and the key to this ability lies beneath the surface of every word. There, if we learn how to listen, we will hear a quiet symphony.

In this chapter, you’ll find the tools you need to hear this symphony. These tools will teach you what the French think of when they picture déjeuner (lunch) and give you the bare grammatical necessities to talk about déjeuner when you’re ready. We’ll discuss which words to learn first and how to learn them easily. You’ll learn how to skip translating and think in a new language from the very beginning.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述: A word in your brain contains within it every neural pattern it’s ever connected. Your “dog” contains a fragment of every dog you have ever seen, heard, or read about. It’s shaped by thousands of experiences that you and I have neve......
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