
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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《语言的简史》(A Little Book of Language)是David Crystal于2010年出版的一本语言学著作,由于其文笔深入浅出、通俗易懂而深受各国读者喜爱。本书可以分为三个部分,共40章。







- A Little Book of Language, it is a Book of linguistics published by David Crystal in 2010. It is very popular among the readers of various countries because of its writing style and easy to understand. This book can be divided into three parts, including 40 chapters. The first part includes chapter 1 to 9, it talks about language acquisition process. The second part includes chapter 10 to 31, which tells the phenomenon of language, interlingual, diachronic and synchronic language. And the third part includes chapter 32 to 40 ,it mainly talks about the use and research of language.

     I choose the second part,chapter18 to 21 to translate. This part mainly talks about the contrast of sign language and language, the extinct language and the changes of language. The four chapters introduce complex linguistics in simple language. Sign language is also part of language. Then, a brief comparison of all kinds of languages is done, and a general classification is made, explaining the great trend of language change.

     In addition, the small papers will be described from the difficulties encountered in the translation process, the new knowledge to be learned and the methods and processes to solve the difficulties.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:Nobody knows how long sign language has existed. An early form of signing was probably around when the human brain developed enough to make language possible. We saw in Chapter 15 that the beings who lived earlier than 30,000 years ago didn’......
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