
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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本次翻译实践材料选取自于美国作家凯蒂·卡徒诺的 《99天》 中第16-23天的内容。它这是一部有关青少年的爱情小说,作者以日记的形式描述了男女主人公之间跌宕起伏的爱情故事,内容错综复杂,刻画出了主人公鲜明的性格和语言特征。该书主要讲述的是男女主人公之间的爱与背叛的爱情故事。女主人公是一个性格多面的人,她被困在两个兄弟之间,试图弄清楚她爱谁,但是他们还没有完全成熟到正确处理他们关系中的问题。该书的意义是教会女生如何去爱,以此书作为一本反面教材,试图使当代青少年认清现实并树立正确的爱情观。


  翻译部分选取《99 天》中第16-23天。该部分主要讲述的是女主人公在两个兄弟之间纠结、无奈和痛苦的过程和故事。这本小说中复杂的人物和曲折的情节能够给读者带来极大的阅读兴趣。除此之外,这本书对处于青春期的青少年有很大的教育指导意义,给读者在爱情观上带来一些启迪,教会他们如何去爱。




Day 16

I stop by French Roast the next morning on the way back from my run—awkward or not, I need to talk to somebody about what’s going on here, and Imogen’s possibly the only girl in all of Star Lake who isn’t secretly applauding Julia for dishing out exactly what I deserve. I’m fully intending to throw myself on her mercy, but when I burst through the doors of the coffee shop I find her taking her break at one of the long wooden tables, sitting across from Tess with a Celtic cross spread of tarot cards laid out between them. 

My first instinct is to turn around and walk right back out, my skin going hot inside my T-shirt. I haven’t seen Tess since the night of the party, when I took off like my hair was engulfed in flames—our shifts hardly ever overlap, they won’t until the Lodge opens for real, and the few mornings I’ve noticed her on the schedule I’ve hidden out in the office like a political dissident seeking asylum. Beyond the shock of locking eyes with Patrick was the sting of seeing him with his new girlfriend. Tess is living, breathing proof I can’t fix what I broke.

 “Hi, Molly,” Tess calls before I can make a break for it, obviously raised with better manners than I was. She’s wearing a big pair of tortoiseshell glasses and picking at a fruit cup, peering down at the cards as Imogen flips them over. 

Imogen looks up guiltily as I approach, offering a little wave. I’m not really doing that anymore, I think of her saying. What she meant was she wasn’t going to do it for me. 

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:I stop by French Roast the next morning on the way back from my run—awkward or not, I need to talk to somebody about what’s going on here, and Imogen’s possibly the only girl in all of Star Lake who isn’t secretly applauding Julia fo......
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