
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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The translation practice selected chapters 9-12 of the book Family on Wheels by James MacDonald Oxley. This children's literature novel is easy to understand and tells the story of life between a family, a car and an elephant on a wheel. The articles reveal the author's sentiments and thoughts about life. Although they have encountered many difficulties and hardships, they always have a heart that loves life and gratitude. The plot of the novel is progressive and exciting. It narrows the distance with the reader and makes people feel immersed.

Chapters 9-12 of the novel depict a picture of people and elephants working together to overcome difficulties. They braved the difficulties and dangers, and bravely marched forward. In order to survive without fear of all difficulties and the plot went deeper and deeper, particularly appealing to readers. The development has played a key role in fueling the crisis. The contents of chapters 9 to 12 are: Nalla’s Rescue, Nalla's Mischief, Beaulieu Show, and Rogue's Revenge. The climax of the novel is a vivid description of the characters' character and the climax of the story.

The essay is divided into four parts.The first part is introduction.It mainly introduces the background of translation works.The second part is the content of the selected materials.The third part deals the problems encountered in the translation process and the strategies and methods to solve them. The fourth part is the summary of the translation practice and the thinking in the translation process.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:The Tambys' intention was to proceed to the fair at Beaulieu, where mountebanks usually did well, and as it would open in three weeks, and it would take them quite twenty days to get there with so old and weak a horse as Steady, they had lit......
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