
资料分类:外语学习 上传会员:番番呀 更新时间:2023-05-09
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How to Win an Argument based on the language art, the debate and public speech of ancient Rome are studied. The field of research includes the origin of language, the function of language, the usage of language, and the advancement of human beings. 

The first part of the translation is to show the readers the origin of the language, the process of its development and social influence. The whole article uses the narrative techniques to prove a large number of examples, and show the development of language art in detail, including the introduction of Cicero's life and his unique speech art.

The author started from the emergence and development of the ancient Rome public debating techniques which has gradually gained the agreement of the people, and the art of language is becoming more important in the life of the ancient Romans. Language art can be applied to various occasions to enhance the intimacy between people and promote people’s daily communication.

The second part is an example to demonstrate the development of language art, including the dialogue with the sages and the examples of various public debates to demonstrate the application and development of language art in real life.

In the final part of the thesis, the process of the whole translation is mainly introduced, including the problems encountered in the process of translation and the solutions to difficulties, as well as the summary of the whole translation process.

上传会员 番番呀 对本文的描述:The precise nature of eloquent and persuasive speech was fiercely debated in antiquity. Is rhetoric an actual art, or merely a skill, a knack? Does it require natural ability, or can it be mastered merely through the acquisition of certain t......
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